Home Improvement

3 Local Interior Design Firms

2020-09-25T19:43:57+00:00November 22nd, 2019|Enjoying Your Home, Home Improvement, Investments & Revenue, Lifestyle, Listing Your Home, Things To Do, Victoria Real Estate Market, Victoria, BC|

As we move into the winter season we begin spending more time indoors for work or play and you may notice that your home is in need of a few updates. Good interior design can

The Front Yard or the Back Yard?

2018-12-27T23:56:23+00:00October 25th, 2018|Enjoying Your Home, Home Improvement, Investments & Revenue, Lifestyle|

You may be thinking it’s time to start doing some renovations on your yard, but you’re still not sure if you should spend the majority of your outdoor renovation budget on the front yard or

5 Things to Consider Before Selling Your Home

2018-12-07T19:27:15+00:00September 4th, 2018|Home Improvement, Listing Your Home, REALTOR® News|

You may be thinking it’s time to sell your home. Perhaps your family has outgrown your current home and you’re looking at buying something bigger, or maybe you feel the housing market can offer you

5 Ways to Turn Your Garage Into a Selling Point

2018-05-29T23:50:25+00:00May 29th, 2018|Home Improvement, Investing in Real Estate, Investments & Revenue, Listing Your Home|

What’s the first thing you think of when we say “garage?” Do cars come to mind, or how about clutter? For most of us, our garages don’t do much more than serve as storage, but