2023 Decor
Older generations have pioneered a style that is enviably neat and easy to live with. It's known as 'coastal grandmother' or some variation of the name. It implies a retirement lifestyle in relaxed locales
Older generations have pioneered a style that is enviably neat and easy to live with. It's known as 'coastal grandmother' or some variation of the name. It implies a retirement lifestyle in relaxed locales
The word frugal is derived from the Latin frugalis, which means value and virtue in thrift. A frugal mindset helps us decide how, when, and why to spend or save our money. Practicing frugality
The word green has the same Germanic root as the words for grass and grow. During the middle ages, it was associated with wealth and the gentry class of England. Today, we associate it
In ancient times, light was the primary consideration of the architect and builder. The sun and it's position during the day prioritized the siting of the dwelling and it's openings. More light means more benefit
Are you bored with your kitchen? Is a renovation out of the question? Consider a mini makeover! With some careful upgrades to the most touched pieces, and a colour shift with accessories, a makeover can